"While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions " ~ Stephen R. CoveyLately Georgia has been quite a bit sassy and I feel she has really been testing me and testing my boundaries. It's often hard to distinguish which side of that gray line between funny and disrespectful she is walking. I've been very tolerant of her sassiness because I am often not sure where that line is. It occurred to me today that my tolerance is more an extension of my own inability to set the boundaries for myself. If I don't set my own boundaries how can I expect her to learn and know when she has crossed them.
After a bit of deep thought and some meditation I came to a few realizations:
- There is only a gray area if I allow it to exist.
- Disrespect is not something that can be clouded by a gray area.
It became very clear to me that I have to set the boundaries and then enforce them. Disrespect either exists or doesn't and it isn't always about intent. You can easily disrespect someone without ever intending on doing so. If I feel disrespected then that is a good sign that respect is very well in question. It is up to me to determine if I feel disrespected and if so to correct the situation.
While the quote I posted at the beginning of this entry is very true I'm going to expound on it a bit and end this post with my version of that quote.
"While we may freely choose our actions, often the consequences are placed at the whim of those targeted by those chosen actions" ~ Scott Tussey
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