Okay if I'm going to do this it has to be real. No more aliased names. So let me introduce myself. Hi my real name is Scott. I'm a 44 (soon to be 45) year old software developer located in the middle of the country for now. I have a 20 year old daughter that is getting ready to continue the next phase of her life on her own for the first time as I move 1200 miles across the country to actually work on what is the next phase in my own life. I was introduced to DD by the love of my life who I will refer to for now as "M". M isn't quite as comfortable with real names as I am. Yet!
If you want a little background on myself and M and how we got to DD read my previous post "Beginning Thoughts".
Okay so where to go from here... M and I have had a somewhat rocky road over the past 19 months. Lots of emotional turmoil coupled by the long distance of our relationship has really tested that relationship and there are definite cracks in it's exterior. There isn't any one thing to blame, there are tons of wonderfully perfect excuses but the truth is every one of us can come up with a "good" perfectly "legit" excuse for most if not all of the short falls in our lives. I know I've more than a few times blamed others for my own failures. It's time to crawl out from behind the excuses and insecurities and live.
I have spent the better part of our three year relationship hiding behind the excuse that it wasn't the right time to move because of my job situation. What that really meant was "since I'm pretty secure in my current position and I can't get any guarantees on what the future will hold it's best I stay in my comfort zone and not risk anything". I've lived the past 3 years wanting to be with the woman I love and being too damn scared of all the unknowns to act on it. Now I've gotten myself into a deeper mess by doing this. I found out that my contract will not be refunded and as of Sept 28th I will be unemployed unless I find another job by then. The following is a comparison of my thoughts and hers.
My Mind: "This could be the perfect time to pack up and move. I no longer have the job to hide behind and I really want to be there in the first place. The timing is a sign."
Her Mind: "If he wasn't losing his job would he be trying to get here? Why now and not 12 - 19 months ago? This may be a sign."
Now my dilemma is how do I prove to her that it is a sign that we should be together and disprove that it may be a sign we should be apart? I can answer her questions but how do I prove my answers are truthful and sincere? Now I have never lied to her or ever given her any reason not to trust me but how does one overcome doubts.
I love this woman with all my heart. I know she loves me. Love has never been in question between us and things are always better when we are together. We both obviously have our own quirks and insecurities. I'm often needy and require reassurance of affection. She's bad about tucking her head into the sand and avoiding issues instead of facing them head on. I can be jealous and sometimes controlling. She's stubborn and likes things her way. I'm a disciplinary and she's a pacifist. We are sometimes polar opposites but we tend to compliment each other in these areas.
Both of us have a strong interest in DD. I believe it will help us to better complement one another. From our initial experiments we know several things.
- Spankings often tend to adjust M's mood dramatically (for the better). The connection we share during and afterwards is as intimate as any other act I've ever experienced.
- My authoritative side makes her feel more secure.
- When she believes I mean what I'm saying she can be submissive.
I'll close this post with a few questions.
So to all you ladies out there practicing DD what words of wisdom would you share with me? I doubt many of you were taught to be submissive by your parents. So what things helped you in moving toward reaching the place you are? Specifically, what can I as a HoH do to assist/support/nurture my love as she works toward her desires? I also want to hear from you HoH's too on what your experiences have been like and what sort of things you've done in supporting the woman you love.